Monday, February 18, 2019

Studio: Creative Technology Ideas


1) 3-D printed rain drop Idea Droplets that can be opened into various idea strips - that can be exchanged with others by writing the idea on a provided strip
2) Ninja Flex Room Divider that beautifies the space and blocks away messiness
3) Mystery multifunctional storage step stools that is laser cut into various geometric and organic shapes; and contains various materials for students to tinker and explore 
4) Art learning puzzles that produces sounds when put in various board areas (beep for correct, bah for incorrect)
5) CNC molded donut  (or various shapes) in a large amount - for gluing together to form various abstract motion sculptures 
6) Pop art related: various Digitally sewed Hello Kitty Icons onto large sheets of fabric (translucent and opaque)
7) Digital embroidery dollar bills to be given or exchange with people and students as incentives to motivate student learning. 
8) 3-D printed Portable lighting system for dark classrooms
9) 3-D printed or laser cut expandable stress relief box book to relief emotional stress in classrooms
10) Foam Seating mats for long-hour study

11) Fabric stuffings that hang in a space: each one is laser cut with a painting stroke concept: a drop, a splash, a pour, a puddle, a stroke. Each one makes a sound of the corresponding stroke, and when children or people walk pass by, the object would shake or drop or make different movements.

Accelerometer - built into microcontroller
or hook up with a speaker with a buzzer.  
Sound effects

- Speaker output that need sound effect - need something to record that sound effect on.

12) Tree trunk storage stool with light bulb 

13) 3-D printed light structure - constructed abstract patterns 

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