Wednesday, June 15, 2016

3/7 Readings


New Media Arts & Chapter 6 - Making Today

New Media Arts is a new way of making that associates with the use of computer, programming, digital and new technologies that are distinguished from the traditional visual art, music, dance, and theatre. However, it can also be fused with the traditional media or forms, which becomes inter-disciplinary art. Some examples include: visual arts, animation, film, and electronic music. There are many simple to use and straight away types of apps for students to play with creativity. The purpose is to let younger generations to become familiarize with these tools, just like getting used to holding a pencil, a brush or mixing paint. Though they may not become professional, but it is crucial for them to learn these tools at an early age. Many of these tools, or apps are closely correlated to the internet and social media. By familiarizing with them broadens one's perspective, opens up new possibilities for expression, and allows one to share thought with others, and thus to reflect and discuss. This promotes a healthy circulation of online social practice. Such practice or hobby, may not seem important, but by using these tools creatively and interacting with others in a healthy manner online, can actually improve one's confidence to socialize in real life. By researching through different free resources and participating in a selection can also promote multidimensional learning. This makes learning even more efficient than the past, while enriching and aiding the other fields, such as science, mathematics, and language. 

Arc of Life Learning 

In the 21
st Century, with the growth of the digital, networked infrastructure and unlimited resources, technology is constantly creating new change. With the invention of Facebook, YouTube Wikipedia, online games etc, a new type of self-learning is experienced by a large number of people, and has become a cultural phenomenon. This new culture induces us as educators to think differently about education, a new term called “arc of life learning, which comprises the activities in our daily lives that keep us learning, growing, and exploring.An important aspect in learning is play, fun and imagination, which are central spirits naturally occur in children. The two elements in our new culture includes: huge information to provide unlimited access and resources to learn about anything; play and experiment with these things within certain boundaries and structured environment. With the new way of learning, peole become more engaged with each other, gain more knowledge, and promote imagination within play. Such connection also cultivates people’s imagination and recreates new spaces. 

          Peppler, K. A. (2014). New creativity paradigms: arts learning in the digital age. Chapter 4, New Media Arts, The Do-It-Yourself Movement, and the Importance of Making

          Martinez, S. L., & Stager, G. (2013). Invent to learn: making, tinkering, and engineering in the classroom
          Torrance, Calif. Constructing Modern Knowledge Press. Chapter 6, Making Today. 
          Thomas, D., & Brown, J. S. (2011). A new culture of learning: cultivating the imagination for a world of constant change. Lexington, Ky.: CreateSpace?]. Chapter 1, Arc-of-Life Learning. 
          Educause, 2013: 7 Things You Should Know About Makerspaces, URL:


  1. Hi Catherine. Regarding the readings, I had similar takeaways from them. The suggestion on being able to circumscribe the massive open learning environment is so important. Sometimes I feel like its too much and when we come up ways to to make our learning experiences more personally meaningful I think that it also works in the service of community building, in the sense that its a reminder that we don't have to contend with the glut of information and resources alone. We can exploit it so we that we have yet another avenue to connect with others.

  2. Hi Catherine. Regarding the readings, I had similar takeaways from them. The suggestion on being able to circumscribe the massive open learning environment is so important. Sometimes I feel like its too much and when we come up ways to to make our learning experiences more personally meaningful I think that it also works in the service of community building, in the sense that its a reminder that we don't have to contend with the glut of information and resources alone. We can exploit it so we that we have yet another avenue to connect with others.
